talkin’ cursive podcast logo

Final Product by @studiogloom

Based on the following prompts:

Primary color scheme matching thread of flyer and profile templates.

So the above color scheme , but more like the below in terms of header/horizontal shaped or like a logo for a podcast for Apple/Spotify.

The below gallery is some Ideas on how I would like the name of the podcast ‘talking n’ cursive’ to look - I like the two tone shadow lettering , and the fonts that look like they are coming out towards you:

And here is where I might need you to edit and curate me- because I also was intrigued by the concept of also playing with the duality of sane vs. insane.

That’s where inspiration for the name of the series comes from - on a reel of a woman who was clearly suffering from mental distress, and someone said that in the comments. And as someone who has experienced psychosis on multiple occasions, I felt like it was an apt moniker both to contextualize how to consider whatever you hear coming from my mouth in conversation, but also to give voice to mental health and how art and community can help us all.

But that may be a hair aggressive for a podcast logo. lol.


Jason Peter’s Sculpture in Honor of Professor James Haskins (Proposal Images)


Working Library